Our website development process is fun, collaborative, and transparent. There are no mysteries and no hidden components – only open communication, and ongoing two-way feedback to ensure that each site is being built in a way that makes the client happy and meets all strategic objectives. Our process is outlined as follows:
1. Intake
Our process begins with an intake form, which is an inventory checklist to make sure we are aligned on the information available and the information that we will need during the development process to ensure a smooth launch (e.g., access to the domain registrar, existing client photography/headshots, etc…)
2. Creative Brief
A creative brief is filled out by the client, where we learn about the client’s strategic and creative goals. Questions range from design preferences to functional requirements, to competitive references, to creative mandatories. This brief is then discussed with the client to ensure that all creative work will be strategic, compliant, and well-received.
3. Sitemap Development
A sitemap is presented to the client to share user flow, page structure, and functional requirements.
4. Design Concepts
2-3 homepage concepts are presented to the client, and feedback is solicited to develop future creative rounds. Once a homepage design concept and corresponding interior page concepts are approved, these designs are finalized “on paper” and prepared for site staging.
5. Site Staging
Site is then staged in realtime on a password-protected. private staging server (e.g.,projectname.newfrontierstaging.com). From this point forward, client is given access to the staging link where they can see their site come together as the content is populated and the pages are refined.
6. Launch
When the site is approved in the staging process and client agrees that it is ready-to-go, the site is taken live.
7. Post-Launch
Once final payment is received, site is tagged appropriately for search/SEO, and is indexed accordingly. Client is trained on Google Analytics, blog posting, site access, and other functional components as requested. Per our contract, minor site edits are always complementary (for a time period of at least one year). Full, worry-free maintenance packages are available that ensure ongoing security updates, site backups, on-demand technical support, and total peace of mind.

Our new website is exactly what we needed to help grow our business, and everyone on your team has been so talented and wonderful to work with. We are lucky and happy to have found your agency! Looking forward to future projects together. Thanks for everything.”